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流媒体纽约预览:痛苦的应用程序与nbc, 赫斯特, 和Hub娱乐研究


流媒体回归纽约市, 数字媒体世界的中心, 5月20-22日 纽约流媒体,由 媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗 和 curated in conjunction with the 流媒体 editorial team. 坐落在曼哈顿的中城东区,光彩夺目 纽约巴克莱洲际酒店, 纽约流媒体 features three days of engaging programming on cutting-edge topics 和 packed with dynamic panelists 和 keynote speakers from the upper ranks of the media firmament. In this Sneak Preview series we’ll zoom in for a close-up look at key sessions in the program 和 the expert speakers who will bring them to life.

5月21日星期二, Hub娱乐研究 主要 Jon Giegengack will moderate an all-star panel on streaming app design 和 the challenges of delivering smooth, 令人满意的, 以及跨一系列平台的一致用户体验. 已确认的小组成员包括 nbc环球创意产品总监香农·麦肯齐赫斯特电视流媒体服务高级副总裁安德鲁·菲茨杰拉德

标题为“应用程序中的痛苦”,” the session will expose the major pain points in streaming app design 和 UX 和 offer practical remedies 和 strategies that content providers 和 product managers can apply directly to the challenges they face.

“Streaming has changed the game for TV lovers: there are more shows, 更好的显示, 以及无数的观看平台. The dark cloud in viewers’ otherwise sunny day is the user experience,” says Giegengack. “With so many options, it’s more complicated 和 clunky to use them. 在本次会议上, we’ll share findings from new research on which user experience issues are most common, 最令人沮丧的是, 以及哪里有机会获得最大的投资回报率, such as design changes that are relatively easy to make but have a big impact on viewer satisfaction 和 engagement.”


Hub的2023年“最佳捆绑”报告, 调查了1个,603 adult broadb和-subscribing media consumers 和 explored how they “choose 和 use providers in this new TV environment,” found that viewers are still juggling more than 6 TV sources on average.

香农麦肯齐, 艾美奖获奖制片人和体育媒体创新者, leads the design 和 development of enterprise platforms 和 consumer products at NBCUniversal. As the producer of more than 800 digital experiences for entertainment, 新闻, 电影, 和体育, 她负责过像奥运会这样的高端赛事, 世界杯, 超级碗, 和奥斯卡颁奖典礼,无论大小. Thus her experience confronting the gamut of experience design pain points is considerable.

“从设计的角度来看, pain points are invaluable insights that help us define design requirements,麦肯齐说. “They’re essential 信息 for shaping the future of products, 功能和最终的用户体验. 内容发现, 简化用户界面, 跨平台品牌认知的一致性, 和 optimizing personalization are all design challenges that help us address user satisfaction in a competitive streaming l和scape. 以用户为中心探索这些领域的机会, human way is what helps create a content journey that is more intuitive 和 enjoyable for everyone.”

Joining Giegengack 和 McKenzie on the panel is 赫斯特电视流媒体服务高级副总裁安德鲁·菲茨杰拉德, 谁同时也是赫斯特流行的免费流媒体应用的总经理 本地. Launched in 2021 to provide streaming access to local 新闻 和 weather 和 new, 原创的无脚本本地节目. 目前在美国27个当地市场有售, 本地 content is featured on most streaming platforms 和 its FAST channels through multiple aggregators.  

"Consumers increasingly expect to find the television content they’re accustomed to on streaming as well as linear platforms, 可供点播和直播,菲茨杰拉德说。. "This presents special challenges for 新闻 broadcasters generally 和 local 新闻 broadcasters, especially— designing products on platforms meant for national 和 international scale.”

“Pain in the Apps” takes place on May 21, concluding Day Two of 纽约流媒体. 请查看 完整程序在这里 了解更多关于会议的精彩内容.

今天注册流媒体纽约! 早鸟价格(100美元折扣)在4月19日之前有效.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

流媒体 Sneak Preview: Computing While Cooling With Netflix, Adeia, 流媒体绿色化, 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会

周三, 5月22日在纽约流媒体, Dom罗宾逊, 创始人, 流媒体的绿化和导演id3as/Norsk, will moderate an all-star panel of leading streaming technology providers 和 innovators to discuss how to make media's tech stack more cost 和 energy efficient 和 implement sound 和 sustainable best practices throughout the media supply chain, Sujana Sooreddy的见解, Netflix的高级首席软件工程师, Serhad发布, Adeia的首席技术官, 还有蒂姆·弗瑞-西格林, founding executive director of Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation.

流媒体 Sneak Preview: Strategic Trends in CTV Advertising 和 Monetization With Vevo, 伏波, 光谱, 和DIRECTV

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz will moderate an all-star panel focused on key developments in ad 和 monetization strategy coming to CTV in 2024 和 beyond, Vevo研究高级副总裁的见解 & 市场营销Julie Triolo, 光谱 Reach全球销售副总裁Dan Callahan, 富博广告销售副总裁Jennifer Monson, 以及DIRECTV广告销售合作主管马修·贾米森.

纽约流媒体 Sneak Preview: The Subscription Prescription with Philo, 得了, Lightswitch, 和Hub娱乐研究

5月21日,周二,在纽约流媒体,Lightswitch的联合创始人 & CEO of Monica Villar will moderate an all-star panel exploring the ever-shifting l和scape of subscription streaming television. 已确认的小组成员包括 Philo Head of Business Development 和 Partnerships Adam Salmons, 得了营销副总裁Giles Tongue, 以及Hub Entertainment高级顾问Mark Loughney.


How important is it for streaming users 和 viewers to be able to customize, 个性化, 并管理他们使用流媒体应用程序的体验? And what are product designers doing to facilitate those types of experiences? YouTube电视台的埃丝特·安报道, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, 和 Magellan TV's James Lauzun offer their takes in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


What does it take to be a streaming app designer 和 director of product in 2024? 根据YouTube电视台的埃斯特·安的说法, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, 以及菲罗的布兰登·雅普, embracing the evolution of that role means rolling with ongoing changes in the device ecosystem, 查看器行为和设备首选项, 以及电视观看体验的现代化, 正如他们在2024年流媒体连接的这段视频中讨论的那样.

State of Streaming Snapshot: Pinpointing Streaming’s Pricing Pain Points

Rising fundamental costs morph into rising platform costs for content owners 和 consumers